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This Place We Call Home:
Nurturing Growth in our Community

Anchor 1

6 Mondays 7:00-9:00pm

October 2nd to November 13th

No Class on Thanksgiving , October 9

Mississippi Mills Public Library

Almonte Branch,

155 High Street, Almonte

Course $89

A Bicentennial Collaboration Between

Learning Again in Almonte &

The Mississippi Mills Public Library

Course Details

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Session One  Peter Mansfield: Recycling Bricks and Mortar Drawing upon his years of designing some of our most treasured buildings, Peter will share with us the magic of adaptive re-use. We will learn what was here already, what was done to develop it while maintaining historic integrity and how this approach can be applied in the future.

Session Two  Peter Mansfield:  Innovation out of the Ashes An urban hike around Detroit and the inspiration to be drawn from it. 


Session Three Rosaline Hill: Evidence Based Neighbourhood Planning Which aspects of our neighbourhoods are valuable and what are the things that need to change?  Ottawa Architect Rosalind Hill focuses her practice not just on building structures but livable communities as well.

Session Four Jim Mountain: Community Engagement  How do we get to a workable consensus? Jim Mountain's forty years of broad experience in architecture includes working with the National Trust for Canada and stakeholders across the country to establish Main Street revitalization projects and “Regions” projects, particularly with indigenous communities .  

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Session Five From Theory to Practice, Living within the Walls of Innovation. Terrilee Kelford of Cornerstones Landing on utilizing Tiny Homes to address issues of Homelessness and Affordability.

Dona Bowers of Soul Sisters Co-housing shares her experience of identifying partners, building, and moving in to a new way of life.

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Session Six Panel Discussion:  Noelle Reeve, Tay Valley Snr. Planner and Melanie Knight Snr. Planner for Mississippi Mills will talk about the planning process at the government level and answer your questions about the feasibility of all we have heard in the previous five sessions.

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