Opportunities To Ignite Your Mind
The Team: Front Row left to right, Jane Ellens, Christy Carlson, Dan Pearlman
Back Row: Mary Pfaff, Terry Lumsden, Mary Lumsden Absent: Nancy Reside
Learning Again In Almonte, an amalgamation of Learning In Almonte and Almonte Lectures, is a completely volunteer run non-profit offering a variety of learning opportunities to our community. In keeping with past tradition, any money remaining at the end of each year will be donated to local charities, particularly our treasured public library.
We hope to carry on in the spirit of our predecessors with exciting courses of varied length to suit diverse interests. In addition we are enthusiastically committed to fostering new partnerships that will not just enrich your life but the life of our community as well.
In 2008, Don Wiles, a professor at Carleton University, decided that his home town of Almonte was fertile ground for a series of 6 week interest courses and so “Learning in Almonte” was launched. These varied courses thrived for many years, first with Don at the helm, and later they were continued by Glenda Jones, Marnie McCook, Claire Apsimon and Mel Turner. When the planning nightmare that was Covid-19 hit, the decision was made to shutter the doors. It was one of the many offerings in our lovely small town that draws our dynamic and curious community together. Some of us just couldn’t see this great tradition disappear, so after consultation with Glenda Jones and Warren Thorngate a group of us decided that we should all be, LEARNING AGAIN IN ALMONTE.