Opportunities To Ignite Your Mind
Exploring the Magic Of Cinema
with Tom Shoebridge
6 Thursdays - 1:30-4:30
September 14 - October 19
This Place
We Call Home:
Nurturing Change
in Our Community
6 Mondays - 7pm-9pm
October 2 - November 13*
* there will be no class on Thanksgiving Monday October 9th
Old Stones, New Stories:
What Iconic Architecture Reveals about the Middle Ages and Ourselves
4 Tuesdays - 1-3pm
November 7 to 28
So you thought you knew how to watch a film! The ever popular Tom Shoebridge is back and will take you through six weeks of viewing, followed by lively and informed discussion, that will forever broaden your experience of cinema and lead to an unforeseen appreciation for genres never before explored.
We are all architects of our own environment and, by extension, our shared community. Change and growth in our rural communities is inevitable but how that happens doesn't have to be left to chance. In this fascinating series, experts will explore how this place we all love is evolving and suggest visions of how we can manage that change in ways that preserve what we have all come to value.
In this informative and entertaining tour of the buildings that speak so eloquently of their history, Dr. Sarah Keeshan shares her passion for the Middle Ages. She loves this period because " it’s not rational or tidy or clean (especially) the messy 14th century which was almost apocalyptic in it's chaos"